CBS News reports that there are over 350,000 apps for sale for the iPhone, IPad, Android and Blackberry. Almost everyone with a smart phone or tablet computer uses apps to do everything from play games to get stock information. If you have an idea for something fun or useful that would work well in a smart phone or tablet setting, then you should consider creating and selling an application -- to do so, you’ll need to take a few steps towards success, including having your app hosted by CyberLinkASP, where you can extend the reach of your app across all possible venues to optimize your potential customer base.
Right now, you’re probably thinking: where do I start? Like all inventors, you start with an idea and find your niche. Think who will be your target audience and what use they’ll have for your app. Next step: do your research. Find out if someone else has already created an application similar to what you are thinking of creating. Lay out your ideas on paper and on an app simulator, so you can see what your idea will look like on an app page. Once you have the basic idea mapped out, you can start thinking about how to develop the application; if you know your way around computer programming, you can develop your own app, but if that’s not realistic for your skill set, hire a freelance developer or application developing company to develop your app for you -- and be prepared to invest between $2,000 and $10,000 for this service.
After investing in development, you’ll want to price your app so that you can break even within about 1,000 sales. Applications are generally created for one specific host, such as iTunes, but if you contract application hosting services, like those provided by CyberLinkASP, professional technicians can take your single venue app and make it fit into all of the available platforms. Investing a little extra money to do this will help you reach more customers and have more opportunities to sell your app and make money. Also, with ISV published application hosting, the hosting company takes care of making sure that users’ hardware is compatible with your software, so you do not have to worry about troubleshooting for app users.