Are you prepared to deal with a cyber-security incident at your business should one occur? The number of cyber-attacks is on the rise, and many businesses are quickly discovering they are not prepared, nor do they have plans in place for dealing with malicious, aggressive, and deliberate attacks on their organization’s data infrastructures. As a business owner or CEO, you need to ensure your operation is prepared for the unthinkable. No matter how secure you might think your data is, there are still risks.
Did you know the number one cause of data breaches is the result of misconfigured applications or systems? This means someone internally at your business did not set up and configure systems and applications correctly. The second highest cause for data breaches is the result of user errors. Combined, these two reasons account for approximately 73% of all data breaches. The other 17% is a combination of exploited, targeted attacks, code vulnerabilities, and undetermined breaches.
Today, cyber-security is no longer limited to your IT department. It involves every single employee in your organization with access to your network. When was the last time your company did a full cyber-security audit and reviewed all processes and procedures for dealing with unwanted intrusions? For experienced and professional assistance with a cyber-security audit and remote desktop server security monitors, feel free to contact CyberlinkASP by phoning 972-262-5200.