Even virtual desktops need to be clean and organized if you expect to be able to operate your system in the most efficient manner possible. A cluttered desktop doesn't just slow you down because it's unorganized, but because the system is running so many programs at once, some of which you aren't using at all.
Condense Files
If you use the same files for related topics over and over again, it's much better to just have everything in one related file rather than spread over your entire desktop. It is much easier to find what you need, and you won't have to deal with all the clutter that an unorganized desktop offers. You'll also find that it's a much faster way to get the information you need when you need it.
Remove Icons You Aren't Using
Removing the icon doesn't remove the program, but it does offer a cleaner work area and doesn't force your computer to put energy into programs you aren't using all the time. The program is still available; it just doesn't have the icon crowding your desktop.
Disable System Tray Items
Your system tray may automatically run things on startup. These programs can slow your computer down, wasting your time and the overall processing speed. That's because some of that speed is being used up to uselessly run programs. You can disable these programs so that you can start them when you need them, but they don't bog the system down by starting up when the computer or virtual desktop turns on.
Use these tips to organize your desktop and watch your productivity skyrocket!