One of the challenges of starting a new business of any kind is the fact that there are startup costs. No matter how great your idea may be, you are going to have to spend significant money to take it to market. You'll need specific staff to handle the paperwork, and you may need people to help with production. You can significantly reduce startup costs by making use of the virtual cloud. Things like a desktop cloud can save you significant money, and they are easy to expand, so that when your company grows, you can easily grow with it.
Instead of renting a building to get the work done, you and your staff members can work from a home office. You can share encrypted data in real time so that everyone always has access to the latest information. However, you won't have to pay for an office or the utilities to run it. You also won't have to buy office equipment and pay to keep it serviced. In fact, you may not even have to buy expensive software or maintain a server.
You might also consider farming out production. A desktop cloud can take care of your office needs, but you probably don't have a manufacturing facility of your own, either. You can pay different companies to make the parts for you or your team to assemble, so that the product as a whole is kept secret, but you don't have to worry about manufacturing. When your company grows, you can decide which services you want to do yourself, and which ones you want to continue to contract other companies to provide.