In the world of virtual desktops and cloud computing, security and privacy are always on the minds of consumers, especially when new operating system versions are released. Apple has added several new security features that should be welcome news to the droves of Mac lovers.
Two Factor Authentication
While Apple has offered two factor authentication for some time, they’ve made the process much simpler with El Capitan. No longer do you have to save a recovery key that you need to print out for safekeeping, which obviously created security concerns.
App Transport Security
If you see the URL in your browser bar, you’ll notice that the address is either, http or https. http is an unsecure connection, while https is a secure connection. With the latest El Capitan update, Apple is now requiring that all apps that request data must do so over a secure connection or https.
System Integrity Protection
Another big benefit of Apple’s latest OS X update is System Integrity Protection. While this may sound technical, it really just means that your system files can only be modified by what is called the Installer app or through updates installed via the App Store. This extra security measure will help to prevent operating system failures due to loading system files incorrectly and will also cut down on the ability for a hacker to load malware onto an Apple computer.
We commend Apple for adding several key security features to the latest version of OS X. We’re also excited to try out some of the other non-security features that are sure to be popular in El Capitan.