Hardware and software continually update with new features, more power, and more efficient means of operating; this trend occurs approximately every 18 months, and can make it difficult for businesses to remain current and competitive. Continually upgrading costs time and money, both of which you can save by using CyberlinkASP applications and dedicated server hosting services, or their remote desktop services.
CyberlinkASP takes their dedication to providing cutting edge services to their clients very seriously. Along with continually updating their equipment and software to meet the demands of an ever-changing, fast-paced world of technology, they maintain 24/7 service availability through a server farm that houses multiple Dell and IBM servers, each containing several processors, as well as a model office and testing environment, to ensure that all offered services work properly prior to being offered to customers for use. To avoid power outages, all servers have dual power supplies, each connected to a different circuit. To ensure that each supported network runs smoothly, each server contains dual network cards. Each card is connected to multiple network switches, with a separate router for each switch.
In case of server failure, CyberlinkASP has set up their servers on a load-balanced server system, so that even if one server fails, another server will pick up the load, keeping clients’ applications available at all times. All servers have a three years on-site warranty, with a pre-failure warranty to help keep the servers in tip-top running condition and protect against failure. You will never have a lag in services when you entrust you network, data, and applications to the professional technicians at CyberlinkASP. You will not need to continually update hardware and software to keep your network server running, nor will you need to have IT personnel working 24/7 to maintain your systems, so you will be saving time and money that can be put towards advancing your business’s goals in other areas.