Whether it’s on a desktop virtualization proposal or a new product, giving a presentation is a lot harder than it looks. Many experts, politicians, and business leaders have had the perfect pitch mapped out in their minds, only to choke after taking the stage. Presenting a killer presentation is more than just memorizing facts and a few quips. It also takes confidence and charisma.

To better psych up and prepare for your next presentation, consider these tips:
Don’t just list facts – Human beings appreciate a good story. When preparing your presentation, try to incorporate the points you’re making into a narrative. Your audience will retain it better, and you’ll likely be more at ease in telling a story than just robotically rattling off some talking points.
Just memorize it – Reading off cards or a teleprompter undermines the effectiveness of your presentation. Keep it natural and real by memorizing your presentation. Just make sure you have all the main points and rhetorical flourishes you want to make nailed down solid prior to your speech.
Work on your stage presence – Appearing nervous or jittery won’t leave a favorable impression. Work on a few key elements of good stage presence. Avoid frequent movements, make eye contact with two or three friendly faces in the audience, and practice your breathing.
Make sure your technology works – Nothing can derail a presentation quicker than PowerPoint problems. If you’re incorporating technology into your presentation, be sure it works smoothly, as technology problems can leave you looking foolish.
Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse – Practice your presentation until it seems as natural as a conversation among friends.
CyberlinkASP provides a variety of information technology services, including managed hosting, hosted virtual desktops, and outsourced maintenance and software services. In business for nearly two decades, CyberlinkASP is the provider banks, hospitals, and other businesses trust for cloud and related services. To learn more, call (972) 262-5200.