Finding enough time to get everything done you want to do can seem difficult, especially in today’s highly connected hosted virtual desktop environments. It is easy for people to bring their work home with them, or access email and other work-related tasks from their mobile devices and home computers. While this might be necessary sometimes, it is important to develop a work/life balance for better productivity, both at work and at home.
- Create idealistic limits by tracking how much time you are spending on tasks at home and at work.
- Use your tracked time to start prioritizing tasks by making a list of what absolutely has to get done and what can be put off or delayed. You do not have to get everything done in a day, and it is acceptable to move lower priority tasks out, as needed.
- Learn to leave your work at work. Bringing work home distracts from your personal time and from doing the things you enjoy.
- Learn to say no when asked to take on extra tasks at work and at home that do not affect your job or personal life.
- Work on tasks one at a time. People are much more productive when they focus on one task at a time and work on that from start to finish, compared to attempting to multitask.
- Limit how much you access email. Email is a big distraction, both at home and at work. For your work email, try to only access it three times a day if possible – once in the morning, once after lunch, and once about an hour before the end of the work day.
Making changes to your work/life balance requires learning new habits, which can take a little time to fully develop. Once you do, you will find you are happier, and get more done at work and at home.
Call CyberlinkASP now at 972-262-5200 for other useful productivity tips and suggestions, and for desktop virtualization solutions for your business.