Cyber security threats are becoming more prevalent and costly for businesses of all sizes. No longer are large global corporations under attack by cyber terrorists. Attacks by unsavory hackers have evolved to include attacks against public and private schools and universities, hospitals, doctor’s offices, and other healthcare facilities, small business owners, and more.
Most businesses put their faith and trust into their IT department or outsourced IT firm to manage and protect their business’s data and network from unwanted attacks and breaches of security. However, even the organizations with the best cyber security plans often overlook specific areas of their operations, including:
- Human Error: A lack of employee training can accidently lead to security risks for your company.
- Failure to Understand Security Risks: There are so many different cyber security risks companies need to be aware of, ranging from viruses and malware to data phishing and exploitation of data vulnerabilities.
- Former Employees: Disgruntled former employees pose risks as they may try to access systems or even sell data to harm the operation.
- Lack of a Cyber Security Policy: Not having a security policy and guidelines in place is a big risk for a potential data hack.
- Confusion between Corporate Policies and Cyber Security: Sometimes there are conflicts between corporate polices and cyber security guidelines, resulting in confusion and the potential to leave data at risk.
Discovering all of the potential security threats you may have overlooked can be a daunting task to undertake on your own. It is often better to work with a third party cyber security and desktop virtualization service company to find all security risks. For more information or assistance in developing a cyber security policy for your company, contact CyberlinkASP at 972-262-5200.