Having an application, or “app,” made specifically for your business is a great way to stay competitive in a fast-paced, plugged-in society. Applications can be created for any business and give customers or clients mobile access to information, products, and services. By having an app, your business can be in the forefront of customers’ thoughts; when they need what you provide, your app is readily available on their phone or other mobile device -- this means that they won’t go searching for another company to meet their needs.
Mobile apps aren’t only good for the customers; they are good for your business. Having sales, appointment scheduling/reminders, or access to information in an web-based application can help streamline your day-to-day business, as each appointment scheduled via your app is one less phone call your secretary has to take, and each sale made via an app is one less sale having to be processed in-house.
CyberlinkASP offers individual software-vendor-published application hosting services that take the application management out of your hands, and back you up with a team of technical experts who handle customer service for application-related issues. ISV Published Application Hosting services also allow you to create an app for one platform, and then have CyberlinkASP’s technicians handle making the app conform to all the major platforms, so you won’t lose out on customers due to incompatible mobile device. With an independent software-vendor-published app hosted by CyberlinkASP, you can take advantage of all that technology has to offer, and make using your services easier and more convenient for your customers -- all while streamlining your business and making your ventures more profitable.