Avoid the Facebook Syndrome with a Desktop Cloud

Do you remember when you first joined Facebook, and you thought it was amazing that the site was free? You could connect with your friends and loved ones, make new friends, schedule events, and store your images. Even better, you could access it from any computer, because all you had to do was go to a site and log in. The same was true when you heard about things like a free desktop cloud.

Your image of Facebook probably changed rapidly when you started seeing targeted ads and getting the most popular feeds in your newsfeed instead of the most recent posts from people you actually wanted to see updates from. You may have even lost contact with friends, because they never showed up in your newsfeed. What would you do if you knew that your free desktop cloud was being managed in a similar manner?

The fact is that nothing is free. You don't always necessary pay in cash, though. Sometimes you pay in the form of private information, as is the case with free cloud services. Since you have to pay in some form, anyhow, wouldn't it make more sense to pay for a cloud service that offers privacy and security instead of spying on your data?

There is no doubt that there are immeasurable benefits to using a cloud service. You never have to worry about losing your data to a crash or disaster. Now you just have to choose whether you want to pay cash for it as part of a larger IT package that can save you money, or if you want to risk putting your data on a cloud where the payment is taken from sensitive information.

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