Remember how excited you were to get your first computer or cell phone? You were entering a whole new world. You were fascinated by the graphics, and you couldn't wait to learn more about the programs you had. And when you bought your first network for your business, it was almost as exciting, because you were seeing progress. You didn't know anything about a hosted virtual desktop.
The days of getting excited by your new technology have recently been replaced by the days of dread over the bill for your latest upgrades in technology. Your system simply couldn't do what you need it to do for your business, anymore, so you had to devote a large chunk of revenue to developing a system that could. The worst part is you know that your devices are like new cars; they start losing their value as soon as they leave the store.
With a hosted virtual desktop, those unwanted expenses are a thing of the past. You don't have to buy a new system, because the machine constantly updates so you have exactly what you need. It doesn't lose its value, because it is in a constant state of being upgraded. Even when it is upgraded, the cost doesn't fall on you. Why would you invest your money in yet another system that is going to lose its value in just a year or two? Let someone else worry about upgrades and system functions while you just use the desktop the way it was meant to be used.